Born To Kill

Show contains profanity and violence (I mean, just look at the title)

Rating: 4/5

Born To Kill is a four part British TV series that aired over a month ago, but you could probably still find it on catch-up or on demand.

It was amazing. Honestly, I've never been so gripped by a British TV series in so long. The fact that they crammed all of that action, mystery and plot into four episodes was shocking.

The series follows the story of Sam, a seventeen year old schoolboy, fixated with murder and death. This is in relation to a childhood trauma he endured when younger, and is now being raised by his single mother. Basically, there are four stories running parallel to each other. You have Sam's story, his mother's, his father's and then Chrissy - the new girl who just moved to town and to Sam's school.

It may seem fickle or immature, but the themes the series covers are dark, gripping and violent. The storytelling combined with the soundtrack and the cinematography is brilliant. One of the best things on TV this year. It was stunningly sinister.

Side note: I tweeted Jack Rowan congratulating him on his acting, who plays Sam, and he liked and retweeted me, which made me like him a lot more.


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